Thursday, October 13, 2005

What's Your Favorite Bible Verse?

I personally like God's treatment for leprosy:

The recipe is basically this: "Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle the blood on the leper seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly off. Next find a lamb and kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally kill a couple doves and offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. Leviticus 14:2-52."

Who needs modern medicine?

By the way, antibiotics are now used to treat leprosy. The World Health Organization, or WHO, has developed treatment guidelines that include a combination of antibiotics, including the following: rifampin · dapsone · clofazlimine · ethionamide · minocycline · clarithromycin · ofloxacin.......

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


More evidence of a Hobbit-like ancient human relative discovered...

"(AP) -- Scientists say they have found more bones in an Indonesian cave that offer additional evidence of a second human species -- short and hobbit-like -- that roamed the Earth the same time as modern man."

More here.

Dick Cheney, Halliburton... I Think the Picture Says It All...

"An analysis released by a Democratic senator found that Vice President Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock options have risen 3,281 percent in the last year...."


"Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) asserts that Cheney's options -- worth $241,498 a year ago -- are now valued at more than $8 million."

"“Halliburton has already raked in more than $10 billion from the Bush-Cheney Administration for work in Iraq, and they were awarded some of the first Katrina contracts," Lautenberg said in a statement. "It is unseemly for the Vice President to continue to benefit from this company at the same time his Administration funnels billions of dollars to it. The Vice President should sever his financial ties to Halliburton once and for all.”

Cheney continues to hold 433,333 Halliburton stock options. The company has been criticized by auditors for its handling of a no-bid contact in Iraq. Auditors found the firm marked up meal prices for troops and inflated gas prices in a deal with a Kuwaiti supplier. The company built the American prison at Guantanamo Bay.

The Vice President has sought to stem criticism by signing an agreement to donate the after-tax profits from these stock options to charities of his choice, and his lawyer has said he will not take any tax deduction for the donations.

However, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concluded in Sept. 2003 that holding stock options while in elective office does constitute a “financial interest” regardless of whether the holder of the options will donate proceeds to charities. CRS also found that receiving deferred compensation is a financial interest.

Cheney told "Meet the Press" in 2003 that he didn't have any financial ties to the firm. “Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest," the Vice President said. "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years.”

Cheney continues to received a deferred salary from the company. According to financial disclosure forms, he was paid $205,298 in 2001; $162,392 in 2002; $178,437 in 2003; and $194,852 in 2004."

Are you kidding me?! Cheney was instrumental in getting us into Iraq. Instrumental in getting Halliburton awarded all the no-bid cost plus contracts to rebuild oil fields, etc. in Iraq. Instrumental in getting Halliburton the contract to build Gitmo. Instrumental in getting Halliburton awarded Katrina contracts. 433,333 stock options and about 200 thousand dollars a year in deferred salary. I repeat, 433,333 stock options and about 200 thousand dollars a year in deferred salary...

Yeah, I trust him.