Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Holy crap, the hounds are turning on each other!

These are some of today's juicy stories:

The Drudge Report and the Washington Times are both running stories about how Bush no longer trusts his senior aides and only speaks to 4 people now: Condi, mom, Karen Hughes, and Laura. He's not even speaking to his dad. Is he afraid to talk to men? (BTW, this is pretty scary if true.)

Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska chastized Bush for attacking war critics and said the Dems have a right and obligation to speak out. I'll drink one to Chuck tonight.

Tucker Carlson, that right-wing, bow-tie wearing Republican hack, writes that Karen Hughes (Bush's Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, our ambassador to the Islamic world) is a complete failure in the middle east and a horrible choice on Bush's part. Gee, who'd have thought the soccer mom couldn't turn hundreds of years of animosity and mistrust on its head in her 2 patronizing visits?

The Senate just voted 79-19 to add language to a $491 billion Pentagon spending bill that calls on the Bush administration "to explain to Congress and the American people its strategy for the successful completion of the mission in Iraq." Better late than never.

Pat Buchanan's magazine has a nice article bashing Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard journal, talking about how it pushed us to go to war with Iraq after 9/11 instead of going after Osama.

Cheney got heckled at a speech today, in TENNESSEE of all places. Go Vols!

Rumsfeld is now claiming that the Iraq was was not his idea! (He was just in charge of it. Either way, nice job, loser.) I thought this was going to be the adminstration of accountability? At some point, I'm sure, the whole thing will be blamed on Clinton (Bill or Hillary, either will do), liberals, Jimmy Carter, the ACLU, or the Dems in general.

And Bill O'Reilly, good ol' Falafel King himself, has completely lost his marbles. First he calls for a terrorist attack on San Fran, then he threatens to post the names of the internet sites ("left-wing smear merchants," I believe he called them) that ran this story on his webpage! Way to aid and comfort the enemy, Billy, and subvert the First Amendment, all in one fell swoop. Tard. Oops, I better be careful, or else the splotchy Mcarthy wannabe might tattle on me...



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