Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Proof That You Can't Keep a Good Crony Down!

Michael Brown has been rehired by FEMA "as a consultant" to evaluate FEMA's response following Hurricane Katrina, according to CBS news.

Are you kidding me? I'll tell you why he's been "Re-hired," it's because today (Tuesday) he's testifying in from of the Republican whitewash, I mean investigation, into the hurricane response. It's called "hush money," people...

There ya go, there's a nice little reward for your incompetence, Brownie.

What a joke. Let's add him to the list of incompetent imbecines Shrub has awarded for their incompetence: George Tenet, Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, 2 two intelligence analysts that thought those pesky aluminum tubes could be used for centrifuges...

Did I mention these people are incompetent?... Hey, at least they're loyal Republicans. That's all that matters, right?


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