Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Let's Hear It From Some of the Lawyers Out There!

If you've ever wondered what it's like to work in a big private law firm, watch the movie "Office Space," replace Lundberg with a smaller and more beady-eyed version of Lundberg, replace the TPS reports with discovery requests, and you're almost there...

But to paint the picture a little more vividly, here are some quotes straight from the horses' mouths:

You probably wake up like I do every day, amazed that they haven't caught on to the fraud. When will the other shoe fall? It's only a matter of time. I don't deserve these checks. I'm not a team player. I'm not even playing the same sport. Every day that goes by is one more successful charade - another scene you've successfully played in the longest running comedy you'll ever see. - "phillylawyer"-

I haven't done real work in so long that I'm at the point of getting [mad] if they expect me to. - K-bull

This is why I can't stand internal reorganizations and other administrative bs--it's like moving food around on the plate--you aren't fooling anyone into believing that you've eaten it. -K-bull

I just realized why I'm so groggy by the end of the day. Feigning interest really takes a lot out of you. I can only act interested for 6 to 7 hours a day. After that, all bets are off. - J.W.

I love what I do...that is, if "do" means surfing the internet, daydreaming about what I'd like to be doing with my life, and scowling internally at everyone I interact with during the day. I don't understand it; there are people who come to the office everyday ostensibly motivated about being confined for what will amount to the better part of their lives. By where was I, oh yeah, I love what I do... - Paulumon Grundy


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